I guess I have to give you yet my newest update. Not that I am all that
happy about it. I am back in Savannah, Georgia where I am doing nothing more than working a real job. Marking time in
the restaurant business. But probably not for much longer. It seems that I am no longer living my dream.
Although I do get calls from my local agents on occasion it is nothing to write home about. But with all that is going
on the world at least there is a roof over my head and food in my stomach. An unfortunate turn of circumstances
forced me to not only withdraw from AMDA but to move back home to Georgia. That's okay. I'll just have to
draw a new battle plan. Where things go from here is anyones guess. There is not exactly alot
of movie or tv shows that come through Savannah. There is hope though. I am researching the possibility of starting
my own theatre company here. At least it will give me a chance to do what I love. Isn't that all anyone is
after.? It is still great to be back on the east coast and closer to family. To all performing in New York and
Los Angeles, break a leg.
"Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake." -- Henry David Thoreau