Chad the Actor
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Hello all fellow thespians and visitors.  My name is Chad.  I am an actor that was living in New York.  Now I am back in my home state of Georgia.  Let me tell you, anywhere but New York City or Los Angeles is no place for anyone wanting to make a living as an actor.  I was looking  forward to the oppurtunity of pursuing and thriving on a career in the arts in a great place like New York City.  Now that is only a distant dream.  Anyway, this website is a work in progress that will constantly be changing whenever I complete new projects or have important information to pass on to fellow artists trying to make it in this business like myself.  It will serve several purposes.  First and foremost, it will serve as a connection to other actors.  I want to hear from you wherever you are.  I want to teach and learn and grow in this business.  It is an oppurtunity to explore ideas and meet new people that have something to say and experiences to share.  Basically everything about acting first as an art then as a business.  L.A. and New York is a business and I know that.  I am willing to overlook that in order to pay my bills while doing something I love.  I spent almost a year in Phoenix not knowing what I wanted.  I even tried getting into the police academy.  Now, I know I don't want to do anything else besides act.  I'm lucky I figured that out while I'm still young and can handle the stresses of a city like L.A. or N.Y.C.  I myself come from rural America.  I hold a B.A. degree from Georgia Southern University.  It's located in a small town about an hour from the coast. 

You might be saying I need to get out of acting while I can.  Maybe alot of people should.  But you have to figure out why you are in the bussiness.  One question answers it all.  Do you want to be an actor or a movie star?  If you answer movie star, yeah maybe you should get out.  But I want to be an actor.  Yes, I have read the horror stories.  A very small percentage of actors actually make a decent living at it.  But lets define decent.  I am in no way looking for hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars.  Let me get this out in the open.  I work two jobs, like most actors, both of which I hate.  No health benefits or paid vacation.  If I am lucky, after the government gets their share, I bring home about $20,000 a year.  Modest.  But it pays the bills, puts a roof over my head, and I don't starve.  Any studio that wants to pay me that amount to do something I love, I will sign today.  Even if I could make half that acting, I would be a happy camper.  That would mean I would only have to wait tables half the year.  I could live with that.

Oh yeah, the second reason for this website: publicity.  Most of the time actors can be their own best agent, manager, and publicist.  So, yes I hope this site might cross the desk top of a casting director, producer, agent, or director who might just be surfing the web at 2:00 o'clock in the morning because they can't sleep.  Remember what I said about luck, the right place at the right time.  Well, sometimes you have to do what you can to create those oppurtunities.  I recommend this to every actor.  You just never know.